How to purchase $YOLO properly!
Many people have been asking why their $YOLO purchases have not been going through, this is a quick Troubleshooting to find out why your trade is not working!
Alternatively, you can view this video tutorial made by one of our amazing community members:
Step 1
Go on PancakeSwap (you can follow this link for easy access):
Or on JazzDefi (you can follow this link for easy access):
You should then tick “I understand” and “Continue”
Step 2:
Change the slippage to at least 10.5% (Anything above that should work well, if your transaction does not go through try increasing the slippage).
Slippage is needed due to the tax on transaction. You can read more about this tax on our official website here.
Step 3:
Press swap and confirm the transaction to finish the trade! Voila, you’ve got some $YOLO! (Troubleshoot advice, if you’re still having an issue try rounding the number of $YOLO and your problem should hopefully be solved, if not feel free to reach out to the community)