Promoting with $YOLO

YOLO Token
2 min readApr 28, 2021

Do you want to promote your cryptocurrency project? Or promote your project on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)? YOLO offers targeted advertisements, to a community of investors keen on finding new safe projects. This community is built as an anti-drug group, therefore, only projects that have been either running for more than 6 months and projects that have received the green — light from our spreadsheet can request us to market their project.

What are the costs?

The rates cannot be fixed as it depends on the size of the community. Currently, we have around 4000 Twitter followers, 1000 TikTok, 1500 on telegram, 100 on discord, 100 on youtube, and 180 on Reddit.

You can request to be promoted on a specific media outlet or in all. The cost varies depending on your reach. Currently, the cost of advertising is 0.50 $ per person, per platform. However, the cost can grow as demand for this promotion grows. If you want to order a big package (for example more than 2 platforms), or if you have a referral link, you can get a discount of up to 40%!

Here are some examples (Without referral link):

  • With 50$ You can get a message on our advertisement channel in discord or youtube.
  • With 500$ we can release a TikTok video for you.
  • For 750$ we can make a pinned message on our telegram!
  • And if you want to promote it on all our social media platforms, the cost would be 2750 $.

Here are some more examples (with referral link):

  • With 40$ You can get a message on our advertisement channel in discord or youtube.
  • With 400$ we can release a TikTok video for you.
  • For 600$ we can make a pinned message on our telegram!
  • And if you want to promote it on all our social media platforms, the cost would be 2200 $.

Why is this service so expensive?

Seen as our community checks the security of other projects, they value our words and projects that we sponsor. Therefore, if your project is intended for the long-term use-case, and if you want to get many targeted investors on board, $YOLO is the place to go! Furthermore, this service is not paid to the developers or any central party, it is essentially paid for the future of the project. The more that is purchased, the more liquidity will be locked, the more tokens will be burnt, and the more that the price will climb.


To pay for your advertising, please contact @ricktoshi on telegram. This is required to confirm your order and payment. The payment should be made to this 0x4E3406eE06275FDC22749295Db59085dF8D4a1C4 address (the DAO fund) in $YOLO. Please ensure that this is the address when contacting us to avoid getting scammed.



YOLO Token

Community Run Project! Its main purpose is to create a rug-free environment on the BSC. Its use-case and intrinsic value comes mainly through advertisements.