The DAO Fund

YOLO Token
2 min readApr 22, 2021

What is the DAO Fund?

The DAO fund or the (Decentralized Autonomous Organization Fund) is the fund that we as a community all have together to further develop the project and give more use-cases to the $YOLO token.

How do I request money from the DAO Fund?

Currently, all community members are welcome to come up with a project/ bring their’s to the table and negotiate a partnership with $YOLO, once a partnership is formed, and some sort of deal is struck, $YOLO will be transferred from the DAO fund.

How does money flow-in to the DAO Fund?

Money flows into the DAO fund through multiple income streams. Currently we plan on making merchandise available soon, the $YOLO merch will be sponsoring the DAO fund with ~60% of the profits. Another use-case for the DAO is currently the pay-wall for priority requests and soon for promotions on $YOLO.

Mainly however, the fund grows from donations of the community!

What is the DAO fund used for?

The DAO fund is used for partnerships, marketing, development, graphic designing and anything that relates to a paid service for the future of this project. The DAO Fund in the future will be controlled by the community and the spending will be entirely used for the project.

Is there any form of transparency?

Transparency is one of our top priorities, therefore, we have decided to make a spreadsheet where you can visualize where the money went from the DAO fund, how much, and for what purpose. The link to that spreadsheet can be found on our main spreadsheet here.



YOLO Token

Community Run Project! Its main purpose is to create a rug-free environment on the BSC. Its use-case and intrinsic value comes mainly through advertisements.